Healing is the Children's Bread
Jesus deserves to see the reward of His suffering - multitudes in the valley of decision. Thus, our passion is to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and raise up disciples in the nations so that when Jesus returns He will find faith in the earth. Currently we are doing this in:
Healing Seminars
Evangelistic Crusades
Mentoring and Discipleship
Prayer Ministry
Ministry Outreaches
Missions – Scotland 1998; Israel, Scotland, 1999; Mexico 2000; Congo 2003; Uganda 2008; Haiti 2011; Sierra Leone, Haiti 2013, Italy, Diego Garcia 2014, China, Diego Garcia, Pakistan, Italy 2015, Italy, Pakistan 2016, Liberia, Italy 2017, Pakistan 2018-2021
Teaching and Evangelism Healing and Crusade ministry – Pensacola, Sierra Leone; Diego Garcia, Italy, China; Teaching JGLM’s Divine Healing Technician Training – China 2015; Pathways for Change –Healing Room, Pensacola, FL, Rise Up in Grace - Pakistan; Grace Network - Pakistan
Prayer Team Ministry - Brownsville Revival, BRSM, Pensacola, FL; Albany Vineyard, OR; Fresh Fire Outreach - Albany, OR, Congo, Uganda, Haiti, Las Vegas, NV; Pathways for Change –Pensacola, FL
Personal Ministry - Pastoral Counseling; Prayer Counseling: Spiritual Dynamics of Abuse, Addiction
Recent Events
Karachi Great Awakening Campaign - Spring 2022
I am thrilled to announce: Grace Network is hosting Wings of Calvary in Karachi, Pakistan.
Once again we are believing God for a great time of equipping believers, pastors and church leaders - We will be sharing a single day of power ministry training, followed by 3 days of street meetings. By God's grace we are bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the demonstration of Power. There will also be free Bible give-aways. Please support our campaign with your prayers and giving.
Recent Praise Reports
Karachi Healing Festival Miracles Revisited. Jesus is AMAZING! He is the same today, yesterday and forever.
Peter Vanderberg of Christ for the Nations, healed of aggressive cancer in his eye. Jesus is AMAZING!
This young boy walked for the first time in 5 years, in Jesus mighty name.
All Praise to Jesus!
One of the most effective ways to share the Gospel in countries where that sharing can be challenging. Like a "Block Party," this has all the elements of the first-century ministry of Jesus: fellowship of the Spirit of God, the delivery of truth together with a challenge to respond, healing and deliverance. Added to this potent mix is the modern day element of prophesying in song: worship in music.
Wow! Jesus is AMAZING!